They knew how to extract precious minerals and metals from it, and that funded their military arsenal. The Brotherhood makes its move to utilize and weaponize Tiberium shortly after its impact. That's where the C&C devs got the name from. The Black Hand was a real life group, and was always linked to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. However, in the C&C timeline, Princip belongs to the Black Hand, a spec-ops team of the Brotherhood of Nod. In the C&C timeline, World War I still begins after Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Also, in the GDI ending, the Scrin forces are destroyed entirely. Nod tried to HELP the Scrin, and Threshold 19 avoids destruction in all 3 campaigns. "Thanks to GDI and Nod intervention, the Foreman assigned to Earth was forced to evacuate, and they destroyed the only-built Threshold" Neither the Nod nor GDI campaigns feature Scrin mind-control, and the only Scrin mission that relies on mind-control features GDI as the enemy.

"Traveler-59, one of their alien groups, started mind-controlling the Nod populace "

"Unlike other RTS titles, both Nod and GDI campaigns in Tiberian Dawn are canonical" The GDI was formed as a response to the Soviet invasion of Western Europe during RA1. In response, the United Nations formally signed the United Nations Global Defense Initiative, which officially created the GDI" "Thanks to Nod's knowledge of Tiberium, the organization began amassing forces from a media, military, and political standpoint. "reports of the Brotherhood's existence date as early as 1800 BC " a spec-ops team of the Brotherhood of Nod " "However, in the C&C timeline, Princip belongs to.